It’ s a dark day for the world, and it’s not easy for me this time, to write on this blog. Not only Friday 13th was a great tragedy that we’ll never forget, but I’ve also lost a dear friend (Guillaume Le Dramp) in the day of the attack to Paris. A very dear sweet young friend met in the years I was in Parma to attend my daughter. He was working in the bar of a friend in the center of the city, and he was definitely the sweetest thing in town, but also sharp and determined.
We spoke together many times and I have a very good memory and will never forget him! He was working in one of the restaurnts attacked that day and he tragically die shot by one of the terrorists. All my thoughts are going to his family.
One of my works to commemorate that tragic day (F CK PICASSO) made it to the cover of “Il Fatto Quotidiano” once again, but I’d like to share with you all the other ones I ve been making and not published about the Paris tragedy, plus my latest photomontages published it inside the newspaper recently thanks to Marco Travaglio and all the other great journalists there. Thank u all. And…Adieu Guillaume!

P.S. F CK PICASSO…not only a word play between mine and Picasso’s names, but also the first two words Jackson Pollock screams falling drunk down the stairs, in the beautiful movie biopic by actor/director Ed Harris.

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